恵泉女学園大学学長 大日向雅美
11月の末、英語によるスピーチコンテストが開かれました。会場となったG101 教室は学生や教員で満室状態。お昼休みにランチ持参で和気あいあいとした雰囲気で進められました。

このスピーチコンテストは、Helen Dalton Public Speaking Contest(ヘレン・ダルトン杯 英語スピーチコンテスト)という名称で、今年で49回目。その由来は次の通りです
Helen Dalton Public Speaking Contestは恵泉の英語教育の中で大切にされてきた伝統行事です。Helen Daltonさんは本学園の創立者 河井道先生の親友であり、当時の短大英文科でも教鞭を取られた方でした。1976年に亡くなられた際、英語教育の推進のためにと恵泉に遺産の一部を寄付して下さったことから、従来の英語スピーチコンテストにお名前を冠して行うようになったそうです。代々受け継がれている優勝杯「ヘレン・ダルトンカップ」のリボンには歴代の優勝者の名前が記されています。
(1年生は春学期に学科ごとの予選を、GCP=グローバル・チャレンジ・プログラム の学生や2年生以上の学生は公開予選を、それぞれ勝ち抜いて最終ラウンドに進みます)
学科・学年・国籍も様々な学生たちが参加することや、審査員により1位から3位までの入賞者が選ばれるほかオーディエンスの投票により特別賞が選ばれることも、このスピーチコンテストの特色です (常葉美穂先生:教育学 英語)

- Moeka Mukae : Goodbye My Chicken (IS)
- Yuka Koguchi: Smartphone Dependence (JL)
- Nanako Furukawa: Children Poverty (EC)
- Fumino Watanabe: I'm so Small (IS)
- Lyu Zheng: How to Study English (IS)
- Amika Yagi: My Great‐grandmother's Dementia (EC)
- Rie Tanno :Try (IS)
- Nana Tamura: Learning About Different Cultures (EC)
- Izumi Yamashiba : A Wonderful Encounter With Keisen (PH)
- Hiromi Masuda: Humans and Pets (PH)
*( )は学科略称
JL:日本語日本文化学科 EC:英語コミュニケーション学科
IS:国際社会学科 PH:社会園芸学科
CEER:Germain Mesureur先生(英語 English, Advertising.)
Ten 1st year students representing all departments of Keisen University competed in the final round of the 49th Helen Dalton English Public Speaking Contest. The students delivered their messages to a packed lively audience. Some of the speeches were thoughtful, some insightful, some motivational, but all were valuable and meaningful. This great Keisen tradition helps students share their ideas and become confident public speakers.
CEER:Dexter Da Silva先生(教育心理学)
Every year, I'm impressed by the energy and passion students bring to the Helen Dalton Public Speaking Contest. This year was no exception. Ten 1st year students shared their stories of personal growth, change, and experiences in front of a lively audience of their fellow students who cheered and encouraged them. The judges had a difficult job deciding the winners. However, in reality, all ten were winners, having successfully prepared and practiced their stories and delivering them powerfully. Congratulations to all the participants, and thank you to all who helped to make it successful.
審査員:Joyce 谷口先生(元非常勤)
The 49th Helen Dalton Speech Contest was a fine experience for all who participated, the young women speakers, the audience of students and teachers, and the judges as well. The quality of the speeches was from good to excellent. I especially noted that each speaker worked to develop their speech with clear points that tied the whole together smoothly. I was also impressed that speakers used both personal experiences and researched information, which was informative as well as emotive. The ten topics chosen were current and yet some points made were for all time. I found being a judge difficult, but I valued the experience. May the potential seen further develop throughout these young women's studies at Keisen University.


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