
北海道FS報告④ 恵泉創設者「河井道」の名前が北海道に?!北海道大学訪問


私たち北海道/オーストラリアField Study(FS)クラスでは、Diversity, Reconciliation, Resilience, Spiritualityをキーワードに、北海道のアイヌ民族、オーストラリアの先住民アボリジニにフォーカスを当て勉強を進めています。今回、夏から延期をしていた北海道でのフィールドスタディを10月30日(土)~11月3日(水)にて実施しましたので、その報告を行いたいと思います。今日はFS4日目、11月2日の報告です。


We went to Hokkaido University on this day to visit their museum. After our arrival at Hokkaido, we mainly focused on Ainu people but this day, I think we enjoyed not only learning about Ainu but also Hokkaido itself. Before we went to Hokkaido, Uemura sensei told us the connection between Keisen founder Michi Kawai and Hokkaido University (Nitobe Inazo) and it was interesting for us to see her name far from our campus. It was the first time that we had rain during our stay but we had a nice time at their huge campus. After that, we had free time and enjoyed sightseeing in Sapporo.


As I mentioned, before this day, we visited places which have relations with Ainu people and learnt about them. However, once we stepped out of that situation and didn't try to find something related to Ainu, we easily forget that Hokkaido was Ainu people's land. On the other hand, we found some Ainu ornaments at the Sapporo station, many Ainu goods souvenirs and on the train, the announcement said イランカラプテ which means hello in Ainu language. These things will be a very important opportunity for tourists to feel Ainu people even though they do not know about them well. We learn there is a huge gap between Ainu people and Japanese about many categories about Ainu people and history between us, but this kind of small steps might bring a better society for both of us and I felt trying is much better than doing nothing.

Lastly, what I felt really happy as an assistant on this trip on this day was our group's cooperation. While we had free time, we were in small groups but everybody helped each other and shared what they found, what they experienced or where we should visit. Due to Covid-19, it was difficult to see each other so this trip was the first time to see everybody face to face. Even in this difficult situation, we built a very positive and good relationship and learnt from each other.

(大学院平和学研究科 M.N)

本クラスは当初は夏休みにオーストラリアに渡航し、アボリジニに関する学習を行う予定でしたが、新型コロナウイルスの影響により渡航が出来るか定かでないことから、北海道のアイヌ民族とアボリジニの両項目を初めて学ぶこととなりました。もともと9月に北海道に訪問する予定でしたが社会状況からも延期になり、夏休みには実際にアイヌ民族の方からオンラインでお話を聞いたり、英語の文献も含め、アイヌ民族に関する本を読みディスカッションなどを行いました。今回は万全な対策の基に、実際に北海道を訪問し、フィールドスタディの目的でもある「自分の目で見て、肌で感じ考える」学習ができ非常に貴重で有意義な学びの機会となりました。プログラム実施に当たり、現地への移動を許可してくださり、サポートしてくださった先生方、事務の方々、そして引率のDa Silva先生、ありがとうございました。

