
English and Self-Directed Learning

What is Self-Directed Learning?


Self-Directed Learning (SDL) starts the path of transforming your language learning to make it more successful, enjoyable, and connected to each student's individual goals.

Self-directed Language Learning is when the learner (you) takes charge of your learning a language. You direct what, how, when, how much, where and with whom you learn. To learn effectively you need to transform your motivation to learn into success. Simply, you need to create a plan, put your plan into action, then evaluate the results of your plan.

Find your learning path with SDL

Why Self-Directed Language Learning?

Most students learning language at high school in Japan study the language for university Entrance Examinations. They have not thought deeply about their personal goals for learning the language, how they learn best, how to enjoy their learning, or designing a plan that suits their personal needs. On entering university, these students do not have the skills or knowledge of resources, to start on or continue along the long road of becoming a proficient user of the language. Self-Directed Language Learning is for these students.

To be successful at traveling along this road, it's important to know:

  • where you are now,
  • how you got here,
  • where you're going,
  • how you're going to get there, and
  • where you want to go to next.

Keisen's CEER is committed to providing students with the best English education possible.