English-mediated Classes
Keisen's CEER runs a number of English-mediated classes, in addition to the core English classes (英語1、英語2、英語3、英語4) which all students take during their first two years at Keisen. Below are examples of some of these classes.

Talks and Presentations(2年生から履修可能)
To learn and practice the range of skills necessary to speak confidently in various public speaking situations: from casual talks to formal presentations.
Some of these skills include learning how to relax, use gestures, make eye contact and control one's voice. In addition, students learn how to create effective visual aids to support their talks and presentations.
Online communication(2年生から履修可能)
To study and understand how the Internet has influenced the way people communicate.
This includes discussions about issues related to privacy and censorship, as well as the impact of SNS and information overload. Students will also learn how to use a range of tools that facilitate online communication.
Academic Writing(3年生から履修可能)
To help students develop the skills necessary to effectively communicate their ideas and research in academic settings. The course covers a range of topics including essay structure, grammar, style, and research methods with a focus on the fundamentals of academic writing, including organization, argumentation, and citation. Through a variety of writing assignments and exercises, students will learn how to effectively express their thoughts and ideas in a clear, concise, and well-supported manner. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to work on their own research projects and receive feedback and guidance from the instructor.
Multilingualism in English(3年生から履修可能)
To develop students' 21st-century skills in order to be able to participate and flourish in a multicultural and multilingual world. These skills include thinking critically, creatively, and practically about their learning, and connecting and integrating these skills and knowledge into their other learning at university. The course will cover a wide range of academic disciplines, including but not limited to psychology, linguistics, media studies, communication, and area studies. Students will learn about the various factors that shape the language use of multilingual individuals and the implications of multilingualism on language acquisition, communication, and identity.
World Literature in English(3年生から履修可能)
To learn about and to actually read excerpts from what can be labelled as World Literature in English. To acquire communication skills in English by being exposed to usages of English that are used in works of literature, i.e., in settings where one desires to be rather expressive.
The initial part of the course introduces you to the controversy of the canon of what literature written in English entails. You will be amazed to find out that the settings of World Literature in English can and will continue to cover areas all over the world. This also will enable you to gain solid confidence in your command of English even if you are not so-called native speakers of English language and let you be aware that you are integral parts of World Englishes. The rest of the course will be devoted to reading excerpts from various works of literature written in English, the descent of whose authors literally cover all the continents.
Gender studies in English(3年生から履修可能)
To hear about gender issues recently expressed by women in many areas of the world. To express, in English, your own concerns about this issue. This will open up the possibility for you to connect to other women in other areas of the world with whom you can share your own concerns and goals, and who might have experienced, and consequently might have overcome, more severe gender problems than you have. Therefore, to relate to them will empower you.
Materials used in the class are all written in English. However, the descent of their authors can vary as widely as covering all the continents. One main focus will be writings by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, an American writer and a feminist of Nigerian descent.
Current Affairs Reading(3年生から履修可能)
This course is intended for students who are interested in reading current events both at home and abroad. Materials used include English newspapers, magazines, TV news, and some sources on the internet, covering a wide range of topics.
Participants will keep abreast of what is happening in the world, while they learn many words and expressions necessary to understand more about politics, economy, culture, and social issues. Furthermore, class discussion about the articles they have read will be held to deepen their understanding and hone their speaking skills.
Discussion and Debate(3年生から履修可能)
To develop skills in expressing one's opinions, developing logical arguments for use in discussions and debates.
The first part of course concentrates on developing speech and presentation skills, including logical organization. The second part of the course concentrates on developing debate logic to promote discussions and debates on various topics. Students learn the basics of debate and how to express themselves confidently.

Visual communication in English(3年生から履修可能)
To discover and learn the elements of our visual environment that are used to communicate in addition to or instead of sound/text communication.
Students can understand the influence of fonts and colours in text communication, and how images and visual compositions can be used to create more effective messages. A number of projects such as posters and graphic design productions help students apply their skills.
Language and Psychology in English(3年生から履修可能)
This class deals with the big questions and the wide variety of topics and issues that have been considered for a long time by psychologists, philosophers, linguists and others, in the areas spanning the relationship between Psychology and Language. These include such issues as:
- the relationships amongst language, thinking and culture;
- how humans learn language - the process of first language development;
- animals and language; Is animal communication similar to human language?
- bilingualism, its benefits and problems; bilingual education;
- is there a critical period for learning your first language? a foreign language?; and
- is language knowledge innate or learned? Nature or nurture?
This class will also have a focus on Psychological Literacy - the ability to apply the Psychological knowledge and skills that you learn to different areas of your life. This includes reflective or critical thinking on the important issues in this area, and questioning how you know what you know.
Other English elective classes include:
- Pronunciation Practice
- Business English I & II
- Communicative Grammar
- Academic Writing
- Research Skills in English