
Speech Contest

53rd Helen Dalton
English Public Speaking Contest Final

Helen Daltonスピーチコンテストは、毎年CEER主催で開催されているスピーチコンテストです。このコンテストは、恵泉女学園創立者の親友で、日本の英語教育の普及に情熱を注いだヘレン・ドルトンを記念して創設さ恵泉女学園で最も古い伝統の一つです。

Keisen's founder, Michi Kawai, had a very close friend named Helen Dalton, who was very interested in promoting English education in Japan. After Mrs. Dalton passed away, her husband wanted to do something for Keisen in her memory. He donated some money to help promote English within the Keisen curriculum, and the teachers at Keisen decided to use the money to stage an annual English speech contest in honor of Mrs. Dalton. This is one of Keisen's oldest traditions. CEER organises the English Public Speaking Contest every year. The first round takes place in the spring semester, and the final in the fall semester.

The 53rd Helen Dalton English Public Speaking Contest Final took place on 11 November 2022.

List of speakers and speeches for the 53rd contest:

  • Akaha Nakamura: My hobbies
  • Ami Yokoyama: When I was a senior in high school
  • Arisa DeTomas: So I am here (2nd place 🥈)
  • Moe Senoo: Looking back on life at Keisen
  • Momoka Kanazawa: Asian racism and Japanese stereotypes against foreigners (1st place 🥇)
  • Ruu Akagami: My school bag (3rd place, and Audience Choice winner 🥉)
  • Yumiko Yamamoto: Animal protection
  • Yuuka Ishimaru: Wabi-sabi spirit