Step-up Class
CEERでは毎年、新1年生を対象に入学前プログラムとして英語のステップアップクラスを開催しています。2022年度は12月22日に行われ、"Christmas culture around the world "というテーマで行われました。
CEER organises yearly English "step-up" classes for incoming first year students. This year's class took place on December 22, and the topic was therefore "Christmas culture around the world."
Thanks to the range of teachers at Keisen University, we were able to share a large number of experiences with students. Many Keisen teachers have spent long periods of time abroad in a variety of countries and were therefore able to explain the uniqueness of Christmas culture in those countries.

In the same way that Japan has adopted Christmas and modified it to include friends, meetings and fried chicken, most countries celebrate Christmas a little differently.
This year's students learnt about: Christmas in the USA, the UK, France, the West Indies, Ethiopia, New-Zealand, China and Mexico. In one of these countries, people give decorated apples... Can you guess which one?