多摩歩き Walk and Talk Linguistic Landscape 英語コミュニケーション学科
In Spring, my 1st year zemi class explored the Linguistic Landscape of the Tama Center area, by walking from Tama Center Station to Keisen University campus. We met at 8:30 at Keio Line station, walked slowly while noticing the different signs, had a very short picnic snack in the park, and arrived on campus at 10:30.
The idea of a Linguistic Landscape is to try to understand a city, an area or a community by observing and analysing a variety of signs. You can analyze the signs by noting the languages they are written in, who they are written by, who are the target audience, the size and color of the fonts, etc. You can learn who lives in or visits the areas, what changes have happened over a period of time, and the way in which the local government communicates with different people in the community.
The following are some of the photos that students took during our "Walk and Talk".

場所 京王多摩センター駅
誰から 京王多摩センター
誰へ 目の見えない人、駅利用者
フォント 点字で目の見えずらい方に向けての思いやり分かりやすく

場所 公園の真ん中
誰から 多摩市から
誰へ 公園利用者へ
フォント 外国人にもわかりやすいように英語で色にもこだわり遠くから見やすいように