A New Journey Begins 英語コミュニケーション学科



Post 1: Mizuki Watanabe

4/12 was the first day of 2022 Ochi zemi. We have 15 members from EC, and we aim to learn the basic concepts of second language acquisition this semester. Because this was our first class, we did some ice-breaker activities. We were able to find out different things about our zemi members. After that, student roles were introduced. Each zemi member will take part in organizing and operating the zemi. Some of the roles included: planning an event for a summer camp and Keisen Festival, making a zemi website, and coordinating with the 4th-year students.
I am really looking forward to the two years because I can learn about my favorite field!

担当教員:越智 健太郎

I am interested in how we learn and best teach a second language. My area of interest includes teaching methodology (how we teach), materials development (with what we teach), and using technology for learning.

越智 健太郎