Theories of Language Development 英語コミュニケーション学科


本日の授業では、第一言語習得はB. F. Skinnerに代表される行動主義心理学に基づく立場と、人間には生得的に言語機能が備わていると考えるNoam Chomskyの考え方を学びました。行動主義心理学によると子どもは環境(親など)で使用されている言葉を模倣し、それが強化されるこにより(褒められたり、コミュニケーションに成功する等)、正しい言語を習得すると考えです。これに対し生得主義(innatism)は、環境で使用される言語は不正確なものも多く、それだけで語習得するのは難しい(刺激の貧困)。また、親は子どもの間違えを逐一訂正するわけでもないのに正しく話せるようになるのは、何かしらの言語能力が生まれながらに備わっているのではないかという考え方になります。


Post 4: Chang Zhao

In class, Mizuki and I explained the Behaviorist Theory and the Nativist. In brief, behaviorists believe that children learn language directly from experiences. Behaviorists viewed imitation and practice as the primary processes in language. Apart from this, children vary in the amount of imitation they do. What is more, children are not merely repeating sentences that they have heard from adults. Rather, children appear to pick output patterns and generalize them to new contexts. On the contrary, nativists believe that children are wired to learn a language, regardless of their environment. The nativist theory of language acquisition became very popular in the late 20th century through Noam Chomsky, who hypothesized that children are born with a hard-wired language acquisition device (LAD) in their brains. Overall, the lecture was not only fascinating and informative but also a great opportunity to improve our speaking and presenting skills.

担当教員:越智 健太郎

I am interested in how we learn and best teach a second language. My area of interest includes teaching methodology (how we teach), materials development (with what we teach), and using technology for learning.

越智 健太郎