
Linguistic Landscape (言語景観) 英語コミュニケーション学科


In an increasingly globalised and interconnected world, the importance of multilingualism and understanding multiple languages has never been greater. In many ways, language is the key to unlocking different cultures and communicating with people from all corners of the globe.

One of the most visible ways that language and culture intersect is through the linguistic landscape of city centres. It is easy to forget just how many signs there are around us in these busy places.

In cities with large immigrant populations, for example, multilingual signs are a common sight. These signs serve as a reminder that the city is a diverse and cosmopolitan place, and they help to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone. Multilingual signs can also be a valuable tool for foreign tourists and visitors. They can help people navigate their way around a city, and they can provide information about local attractions and businesses. In a world where more and more people are travelling to new and unfamiliar places, multilingual signs can help to make the experience a little bit easier and a lot more enjoyable.

20 students from 3rd and 4th year Germainゼミ took part in a joint field study session with 21 2nd year students from 下北沢成徳高等学校. Together, we surveyed the linguistic landscape of the Shimo-Kitazawa area, and tried to understand how public signs contribute to the cosmopolitan and inclusive atmosphere of that area.

©下北沢成徳高等学校、 越後英俊 (used with permission)

Ultimately, multilingualism is a vital part of our world today. It helps us to communicate with each other, to understand different cultures, and to make the world a little bit smaller. Multilingual signs are just one small way that we can make our world a little bit more inclusive and a little bit more connected.

担当教員:Germain Mesureur

Using Advertising (広告), and the language of adverts and CMs, to learn English, understand other societies and the ways advertising influences them and us. My main focus is on the representation of gender in advertising, and how that affects men and women's perception of themselves and others.

Germain Mesureur